What’s the one question handicap chiefs are asked the most?

Of all the queries received by England Golf’s World Handicap System staff, the one that’s the most common might surprise you

Is it players complaining about high handicappers winning tournaments? Is it confusion about score differentials? Or is it requests about how to enter general play scores?

What is the question you think England Golf handicap chiefs are asked the most by golfers emailing in to headquarters at Woodhall Spa?

The dedicated team are still answering thousands of queries every year as golfers continue to get to grips with the World Handicap System. But there is one that stands out above all the others.

“How do I reset my password?”

At their WHS workshops across the country, the top 10 queries received by staff were revealed and only one – Terms of Competition – couldn’t be solved either by the golfer themself or by their club through the WHS portal.

World Handicap System

With resetting passwords topping the bill, and you can do that simply by using this link and following the instructions, the others were: help with the MyEG App, handicap index queries, applying penalty scores, dealing with international scores, resigning handicap records, membership numbers, how to submit scores, terms of competition, and setting up a player at their home club – all of which can be found within the WHS section of the England Golf Website.

Mike Greener, England Golf handicap co-ordinator, told club committee members at the workshop: “These are the top 10 queries that we receive at Woodhall Spa. Every single one of them can be resolved at club level – and often within minutes.

“We obviously get an awful lot of queries and it might take us a few days, and even up to a couple of weeks, before we get back to the golfer and that can impact them playing in an event or understanding how things work.

“If you need any help and understanding how to do it, golfers need to first contact their club handicap committee who can deal with 90% of queries, there-after handicap committees can contact their county handicap team.”

What’s your main World Handicap System question? Why not let me know with a tweet?

Want more on the World Handicap System?

England Golf’s head of handicapping James Luke joined the From the Clubhouse podcast for an in-depth chat about all things WHS. You can listen to that here, or on your preferred podcast platform.

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